Upsizing to a Bigger house can bring so much relief to you and your family in so many ways.
You probably won’t know till you write down what’s working and what isn’t working about your current home if you don’t already know that.
Then you can list out what need’s to change in your next home
As an existing home owner in Ontario for 3yrs or more… You most likely won’t spend a cent from your savings to upsize to a bigger house.
I was able to help upsize a client of mine and his family to a 4Bed 4Bath Detached house by using the proceeds from the sale of the townhouse they bought 3years ago.
And they were still able to set aside 6-12months of their new mortgage fee from the proceeds to help ease them into the New monthly Mortgage Fee.
The Kids are happy to have each room to themselves and the parents are happy that they didn’t have to break the bank to upsize.
My Clear View Method simplifies the process before we begin with transition.
Thank you for all you do. We have been working with you for a few years now and it has been great. You are very patient and always want the best for your clients. Thank you Benson for helping us upsize. We love our new home!
Sade Owoseni
Here is one of the top question every Upsizing or Downsizing seller ask
Should we sell before we buy or buy before we sell?
My Answer is
You can either buy before you sell or sell before you buy
Reason why is the Market we’re in at that time of the year is what dictates the first move to make
My Clear View Method Simplifies this by looking into the market we’re in and the type of listings available in the municipality/community you’re looking to buy into among other things that can help in the decision making.
Do you think you and your family could be living a better life?
You feel trapped in your house due to lack of space.
Your closets are overstuffed, the washrooms are too small and you don’t have enough of them, your rooms are too small, your parking situation isn’t ideal, and the backyard isn’t big enough to host friends.
On top of it, you live in a congested neighbourhood, you don’t like the schools in your area for the kids, you’ve got a long commute to work and the kids’ school, and you worry about safety when the kids want to play outside.
It’s time for your family to make a change.
Our Clear View Method helps you get out of the chaos and transition to your next home with ease. Send me a message if you want to see how we can help you!.
The Six things you must know before you decide to move up to a bigger home:
A list of must-haves, features that would be nice to have and must-have nots in your next home.
The Market value of your current home.
The Market value of the type of home that ticks all the boxes for you in the community of your choice.
Your budget.
The requirements on how to discharge your current mortgage.
Whether you want to buy or sell first?
These are 100% things you must know before you make the move. It gives a clear view of the transition and let you tackle any obstacle that might occur along the process before you start.
In my Clear View Method, the first thing we do is answer these questions – after all, they’re the foundation to a smooth, seamless transaction, and that’s exactly what I aim to provide.
Send me a message if you want to know how I can help you get your home sold and get your family into a space that better suits your needs.
The process of selling your home to buy another house can be tedious, unclear and costly if you don't get the right help.
That’s why I created “The Clear View Method” to help transition you to your next home with full confidence.
The first step is having a clear vision for the transition
We need to know what’s working and what isn’t working about your current home and what’s motivating your sale. Without that, it’s hard to identify goals and objectives or to know what we’re looking for.
I’ll tour your home with you so you can point out the things that don’t serve your family and what needs to change in your next home. I also have a questionnaire for you to fill out, which gives me a better understanding of why you want to move. Based on the questionnaire, we then put together a list of must-haves for your new home and what features would be nice, but not necessary.
Once we know what you’re looking for, it’s time to talk about the list price of your home, which gives us an idea of how much equity you have towards your new home, and the time frame for your move.
Once that’s set, we can now look into the purchase of your new house by having an idea of the listings available in that area, what they sell for, why they sell for that amount, how fast they get sold, and whether you’ll need to get pre-approved with a lender. I can always recommend you to a specialist if you need one.
With the solid foundation set, we can then move onto other areas of selling and buying with confidence.
Send me a message for a copy of my guide, and I’ll get it to you asap.
Do you think you and your family could be living a better life?
You feel trapped in your house due to lack of space.
Your closets are overstuffed, the washrooms are too small and you don’t have enough of them, your rooms are too small, and the backyard isn’t big enough to host friends.
On top of it, your parking situation isn’t ideal… You literally have to consult your partner to know who’s leaving the house first in the morning or you always have to park on the road side to avoid having to drive in and out for the other car to go out.
It’s time for your family to make a change.
Our Clear View Method helps you get out of the chaos and transition to your next home with ease. Send me a message if you want to see how we can help you!.
I know that the thought of you moving from one house to the other seems like a complicated process.
And I also know that you are tired of having to maximize each and every space in your house and it’s high time for a change
That’s why I have the five steps laid out in my clear view method to help avoid getting overwhelmed or stressed along the line.
We’re able to uncover any obstacle that may occur along the line and have it dealt with before we proceed with the plan.
That gives you a clear vision of what the whole transition looks like and then you can act with full confidence knowing we have a perfect plan mapped out.
Following the steps laid out will lead you to your desire of helping your family live in a more spacious home and grow in an environment that feels more homely.
So, are you going to reach out to me for a copy of my Clear view Method? You Should.
You’ll find my contact info Below.
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